Power consumption


How can I calculate the power consumption of each piece of my audio system? I'm searching for a regenerator / conditioner.
get a "Kill-a-Watt" meter for $20.
Great handy cool little device, and easy to use. The P3/P4400 model will do you.
Lots of places carry it. Amazon has it.
On the back of each piece (usually near the power cord) you'll see the power consumption in watts of that piece. Add those up and you have your baseline #. No manual needed.

Try searching under "watts up power meter." If this is what you are looking for many local libraries own one or two for checkout.
I'm asking because there is no such information in the manuals I have and there is no manual for my power amplifier (not provided from the manufacturer).
Contact PS Audio. They have a fantastic ac regenerator and can answer your questions