Power cord for an REL Sub

Down the road, I am thinking of replacing the stock cord for my REL Strata III. Without spending a fortune, what will clean up the low end nicely? Or am I going overboard and should I leave it as is?

Suggestions/advice appreciated.

I replaced the supplied cord with a Coincident power cord and the sub improved noticeably. More pitch specifics noticed as well as improved dynamics. A hospital grade receptacle helped things almost as much as the cord replacement.
The Mac Delta 1 power cord is very, very good with a REL subwoofer. If you are lucky enough to locate a used one for under $300, I'd recommend it.
I replaced my Storm III PC with one of Subaruguru's DIY PC's. Big difference over stock and inexpensive too.
If I may be so bold to put my two cents in. I have dual REL Storm III's in my system. What I found that worked quiet well was not to use the spikes at all. Rather go down to the hardware store and buy a 15x15x2" paver made of concrete. Thats what REL recommends and I found it to tighten up the bass nicely. With recommendation to a power cord. Since the frequency is somewhat limited I built a similar cord to my Silver-Rhodium Gain Cord that I sell. Only I made it out of copper wire rather than silver, it works very nicely to maintain the dynamic power that a subwoofer needs.