Power Cord For Audio Research gear

Hi folks........I just purchased an Audio Research LS25 and PH3 SE......any suggestions from you all as to the best power cord for them????

Thank you all very much for your honest, candid and spirited comments! Thanks you Gmorris ... I will have to try those tubes!
Stevemj - the power cords can have an effect in two ways that I can think of.
1. They act as filters for noise. Anything other than 60Hz is filtered and doesn't make its way into or out of the system

2. They control the radiated fields around the cord so that there is less interference and pickup with nearby cords and devices.

True that the cord is just part of the many miles of power line. But then, so is the power supply in your amp.
Jaykapur - They do not and cannot act as filters. They can be shielded, this is true. However, you have shielding on you phono cables and the amount of radiation from line cords is nothing compared to the power amp's transformer. The whole house is filled with radiating wire and it's not a problem. This cord stuff is, honesty, a scam.
Stevemj-You pose an interesting point of view; I haven't heard anyone explain why they feel a power cord changes the sound of a component. Could you tell us what components you are using in your system? And which power cords you have tried? Maybe a cable designer could post on this forum...
I don't know whether I should step in this or not. The topic has been debated into the ground and if you want to start another topic Stevemj to debate it some more... you should. But.. Rwd asked for suggestions about cords which means that most likely, he has decided that power cords do make a difference. My suggestion to anyone, is to get several cords with a return policy on all of them. That way you can compare for yourself and if you feel they don't offer anything but marketing hype... simply return them.