Powerful but "emotional" amps?

Looking for at least 50wpc tube power amp in $1k range. Hemonicaly rich amps and such. Not sure if Rogue, ARC and SF amps qualify? Need some suggestions. Thanks!
The old Audio Research D79 could be had for that amount or less. Certainly it is harmonically rich and Audio Research still supports it with parts and service.
A little on the high side of your budget ($1200 or so used), but the Conrad Johnson Premier 11a is very rich sounding amp, and provides a pretty beefy 45 wpc or so into 8 ohms.
I suggest the ARC VT-60. They can be had used for less than $1000. I have one of the later units that runns off of 4 6550C's. I think the build quality is outstanding. The VT-60 is a high value unit but one that is very musical and has good bass punch.
I'm second to Quickies! Change the stock Chech Teslas to EIs and you'll get a giant-beater!
At first I was scratching my head about what I'd recommend, and then I read Albert Porter's post. Duh. The D79 is probably one of the most musical amps ever made. Nice call, Albert!
