Pre/Amp/Int for Vandersteen 2ce Sig II for +/-$3k

Hi everyone. This is my first post. I recently started a new system from scratch. I purchased a pair of Vandy 2ce Sig II and now I need some electronics. I've always wanted vintage McIntosh but from what I've read here that is not a good idea, right? I would not say I am audiophile but I do listen to all kinds of music. All input is appreciated. Thanks!
By the way Kbarkamian - I have read that both Mac's and Vandersteens are warm so putting them together is not a great idea but have no personal experience to say whether or not that is true.
Hi Alex, just want to say that I also have the 2ce signature II and I am using the McIntosh MC2100. I can't tell you enough how musical the sound is. The staging is so clear as well as the transparency, the warmth sound to me is perfect. But then that's also depends on what preamp you're using and how the speaker are positioned. No matter what model Mac. you use, but I think the Vandy and Mac are a perfect match.
I use Threshold with my 3A Signatures. I have use the 400a 4000a and Stasis 2 they all drive the speakers well.

You can add Burson amps to the list, they are very powerful and musical. Most of the speakers i know, are well driven by them.
I second the McCormack recommendation with the following suggestions. A pair of McCormack DNA 0.5's (Deluxe if you can get them) you can start with one then add another later and vertically drive your 2Ce Sig's. Next find a TLC-1 or Micro Line Drive (MLD) both of these offer dual outputs that can be connected at the same time, the TLC-1 has a buffered and passive output while the MLD has an active and passive output. The MLD is the most versatile because the active output can be adjusted +/- 3dbs, the -3dbs point is about 1db higher than the passive output. These will offer you the opportunity to experiment with passive verses active route and discover which you prefer. Just remember with the passive route you need to pay close attention to the interconnects you use.

These are well within your price range and can be had here on Agon for half your price range as of this posting. If you like the sound of the combination you could always have them upgraded by Steve McCormack at SMc Audio. If your not sure the upgrades are worth your investment you could pick up a modified unit that comes available here on Agon every now and then.

My current set up consists of a SMc Audio TLC-1 Ultra controlling a pair of DNA 0.5's Deluxe vertically driving a pair of Vandy 3A Sig/ 2Wq combo. Have a pair of 0.5's at SMc Audio getting the Ultra Mono-block upgrade at the moment.

These recommendations will offer you a pleasing sound while you learn what you prefer in your setup.