Pre/Amp/Int for Vandersteen 2ce Sig II for +/-$3k

Hi everyone. This is my first post. I recently started a new system from scratch. I purchased a pair of Vandy 2ce Sig II and now I need some electronics. I've always wanted vintage McIntosh but from what I've read here that is not a good idea, right? I would not say I am audiophile but I do listen to all kinds of music. All input is appreciated. Thanks!
Audible Illusions preamps with Quicksilver amps make a great combo with Vandersteen 2Ce Sig 2's.
Im using a Quicksilver Linestage (2010 Version) and Quicksilver Silver 70s Monoblocks with Vandersteen 2CE sig IIs. Not ideal since the Silver 70s I dont think were meant to drive difficult loads but its sounds pretty good to me. Good bottom end, smooth liquid mids, good highs...
Audio Research VSI60 with KT120 tubes.
Mine has about 200 hrs on it with 2ce signatures.
Best integrated I've ever heard.....
Ayre Acoustics! I've heard them with K5/V5xe combo and the K1xe/V1xe combo. Both sounded great! Just make sure u have enough space.
I'm thinking about getting a pair of McIntosh MC601 monoblock (600watt per amp) Is this over kill for my Vandersteen 2CE Sig II?