Pre/Amp/Int for Vandersteen 2ce Sig II for +/-$3k

Hi everyone. This is my first post. I recently started a new system from scratch. I purchased a pair of Vandy 2ce Sig II and now I need some electronics. I've always wanted vintage McIntosh but from what I've read here that is not a good idea, right? I would not say I am audiophile but I do listen to all kinds of music. All input is appreciated. Thanks!
I recommend an Oppo 105 using the balanced output with Neglex 2534 cables. Look for a transistor amp, class A/AB with a real power supply, and made by a company still in business. It should weigh at least 40 lbs. There are several for sale on audiogon < $2500.
UPDATE: Well, I did finally got a pair of the McIntosh MC601 (600watts), running balance between amp and tube pre amp and balance between Oppo bdp95 and tube pre amp. I must say, I have never been so happy and overwhelm, these amps is truly a tube like power amp. It may be over kill but, the clarity, detail and soundstaging it produces is just over the top. Even at low volume the detail and airy are just immaculate. My VPI Scout with Lyra Argo cart never sounded so good and sweet. It is so live like music.