Pre amp with Dac

Is there a Pre with a dac included out there in the $2500 used that does a good job. I stream Tidal from my computer; no phono needed. I use Bel Canto 600ref mono's for amps.   Thanks  Gary

If you want to save some money for other parts of your setup, The Emotiva Stealth DC-1 gets really good reviews. It comes with a remote, one set of RCA inputs, a Balanced DAC, and a great headphone amp.
is having the DAC inside your preamp a must as you really are losing out on many great used Preamps and DAC as separates. having an outboard DAC also lets you upgrade the DAC down the road.  DAC's Are getting smaller by the year and could easily be placed behind another component if you don't want to see it.
Hello The Lumin player is excellrnt and for under $2500 you can get with optional linear tube audio outboard Linear PS and upgraded umbilical cord.beating systems 3x as much and very analog sounding. 
I bought it and added the Synergistic Blue fuses it has 
Tidal with MQA as well as Soon. The Lumin D-1 plentty of very good reviews and the Linear Tube Audio is the best linear power supply for it under $700 - with upgraded umbilical ford.
I'm really liking the audio alchemy dac/preamp unit. With the optional power supply it is exceptional and well within your price range. It was also highly recommended in an absolute sound review.  
The Benchmark DAC2 used on A'Gon is a great choice. It maybe just as good as the DAC3, at least that was the opinion of the sales guy at Benchmark. I had the DAC2 updated with the latest upgrade and the sales guy at Benchmark told me not to waste money and buy the DAC3.

The DAC2 has 2 analog inputs (I have 2 tuners) and lot of digital inputs. I think Benchmark were the trail blazers with this type of pre-amp and now there are a lot of competitors with comparable units. The used DAC2 on A'Gon is an amazing deal and highly recommend by me.