Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
Tom are you speaking of the brass Audiopoints that screw into the chasis like the threaded taper brass cones (support components like under the amp and so on. Or are you speaking electrically bonding a reference ground to the component chasis's. I saw some Audiopoints (Threaded vibration isolation brass cone devices that help mechancial transference of vibrations?

Thanks Tom,

Jazzdude: I currently use the Cabernet - you will NOT be disappointed when you get yours! Note however, that all of Mick's preamps are very good and it is only a matter of degree as to improvements between the Syrah-Cortese-Cabernet.

Having said this, the Cabernet/Grange have an edge in having a 'hear through' character that is better than the rest. The sound of the directly heated triode (DHT) 101D tube in the Cabernet/Grange is unique and different from the 6SN7 used in the Syrah/Cortese. The 101D has a pristine clean signature coupled with a punchy accurate coloration, no smearing to the overall soundstage with all of the players standing clear of each other, each doing their own thing on stage within their own defined space. I am finding that the sound of 101D in the Cabernet matches very well the sound of the 6C33-CB power tubes in the Supratek Merlot monobloc amplifiers that I use, both having that supremely clean and effortless presentation.

Cello: the Cortese is a magnificent preamp and it is not surprising that you are happy with it. It has a wonderful tonality that just makes the music sound 'beautiful and alive'. Keep in mind that that even a stock Cortese is better than most preamps out there so while it is tempting to go for the upgrade you still have one of the best even in it's current state! Also, is the rest of your system good enough to show the improvements? In general, I find that only a good Electrostatic Loudspeaker will show you all the detail, nuance and finesse that the Syrah/Cortese/Cabernet preamps possess compared to other mediocre preamplifiers.


Steve M.
Rodger I am refering to one single method of mechanical grounding and thats via the Audiopoints products. As far as electrical grounding goes. I found dynamics and timing improved if all major components[amp, pre-amp, main source]all share a common ac outlet.. A quad in this instance 20amp circuit of high quality outlets, dedicated and with an isolated ground. I have 3 separate dedicated lines all wired exactly the same and by the same electrician. I suppose there is a slight difference in the 3,and that it can throw the timing off..One common outlet works the best with all the majors hooked to one.. Remember it all starts with the power supply. Tom

Thanks for your comments on the Cabernet. My thoughts were that the new Cabernet/Grange might be significantly better than the older (Feb 2003) Cortese model that I have. I was wondering if the combination of moving one step up in model plus the upgrades that Mick made to Cabernet/Grange would make it a fairly significant upgrade. I feel that my system has become quite resolving, but that is an subjective opinion that is limited by my own experiences in hearing other systems.

I would be happy to hear your or anyone else's comments/suggestions on my system with ideas on best moves towards upgrading.

I am in the process of ordering a Teres 340 and so far I am thinking of starting with a Graham 2.2 arm. I am really new to vinyl and TT at this level (last experience was a Garrard back in the 70's) and have the idea that the Graham would be an excellent arm for the Teres and a bit easier to handle the set up and maintenance. I am still trying to figure out what the ideal cartridge might be. I realize that you have the Cabernet (line stage only) and therefore are probably not into vinyl, but I also would like to hear opinions from the experienced and articulate followers of this thread as well.

Here is my system as it sits now:

Electrocompaniet EMC 1UP CD player
Supratek Cortese Tubed pre-amp
Mark Levinson 23.5 200 watt amp
Sonus Faber Extrema Speakers
REL Stentor III Subwoofer

Ensemble Isolink Duo transformer (to EMC-1 & Cortese)
RS Audio RCA interconnects from EMC-1 to Cortese
Shunyata XLR Aries interconnects ortese to Amp
NBS Statement III Speaker Cables
2 - 20 AMP Romex dedicated power lines
5 - SHARK power cords
2 - WHALE SUPREME power cords

BMI Shark IPLC passive line conditioner

Silent Running VR series stands under Amp Isolink & EMC-1
Symposium Roller Blocks 2 sets placed under EMC-1
& Supratek pre-amp

Versalab Red Rollers RFI filters for interconnects
Versalab Wood Blocks RFI filters for power cords