Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
Bwhite, my 350 B's are WE's but I suspect the NU's are exactly the same tube. You might want to ask in the Tube Asylum. I am sure someone there can give you a definitive answer.

Grannyring, I know that Bryan isn't as big of a fan as I am of the 6L6 metal tube, but I liked them even better than the GEC KT 66's. And they are about $35 a tube. If I wasn't running WE 350 B's I would use the 6L6 metals.

I know the isolation issue was debated here earlier, but in my system I found a solution that worked wonders. I ordered the DH Labs large cones and put them under my Supratek on top of a piece of 12 x 12 slate - not tile, but a cheap slate from India that I found at Lowes. When you tap this slate there is no ring, just a dead thud. I thought what the heck, I'll try it. Under the slate is another layer of material I also found at Lowes. It is an inter-locking mat that is sold for garage floors, weight rooms, etc. I cut a 12 x 12 piece of this material, which has a 1/16 inch thick hard plastic outer shell laminated to a tough 1/2 inch resilient foam. Under this foam I put a 12 x 12 piece of Sorbothane with another piece of the foam under the Sorbothane and another piece of slate under that with one more piece of foam under the slate resting on the MDF shelf.

The resolution and soundstage is amazing when the Supratek is resting on this sandwich. A deaf person could here the difference. As clear as I thought my system was before, it is laughable how big the difference is since employing this combination. And the most expensive part is the sheet of Sorbothane.

I now have all of my components on this same sandwich and I am thrilled with the results. Only my transport is not sitting on this combo, resting instead on a Neuance shelf which is even more amazing.

Since I plan on over-hauling my entire system in about 9 months, I haven't ordered more Neuance shelves, but I highly recommend them. My home-made shelf seems to be very close to the Neuance shelf, but I suspect it adds some color to the sound that the Neuance shelf doesn't. But I can happily live with whatever color my home-made solution may be adding.

I did not find cones and an isolation sandwich for the power supply section as beneficial as the linestage, but the PS does sit on one of my DIY isolation sandwichs. If you don't have your Supratek isolated yet, you may want to try it. It made this giant killer even better for me. YMMV

When I upgrade my System, I suspect I will seriously consider the Grange or Cabernet, but after reading about the H-Cat, I would love to hear one. If it as good or better than the Suprateks, I would probably go with the H-Cat to avoid the hassle of tubes, but I am skeptical that the H-Cat will better the Grange. Just a guess, but as good as my Chardonnay is with NOS tubes, I can only imagine how good the Grange must be.
Thanks Slowhand for your response and your decision to take a chance on a component with little to no press. I have greatly enjoyed reading through the thread and most likely will order the Syrah in the next day or two. I have always been a David Berning fan when I owned an EA 230. I have been on an audio hiatus for the past 5 years or so imposed by a divorce that divested me of my large vintage audio collection. I have been looking for a very musical system that I can enjoy and leave the collecting world behind. Something I can enjoy for the next 10 years or so without needing to look at every stereo rag out there. I have been reading of the Berning amp you are using. I am wondering which speakers you use them with. I bought a pair of Von Schweikert 4.5's and the dealer is letting me use his Sophia integrated temporarily. I have some updated Dyna mk 4's that I will use until I buy a more modern amp. Do you think the Berning and the Syrah would mate well with the Von Schweikerts? Thanks for starting all this fun!
I had my ZH-270 hooked up to some VSA VR4Gen3SEs the other day and they sounded quite good. TONS of bass and more than enough power. I think that for R&R, that would be fantastic combo.
Hi Stiltskin

Jim and I haven't done a comparison since Jim seems undecided on the pre-amp but is leaning towards the Joule. He is also considering the Cortese I believe but don't tell him I told ya :^) It will probably be several months down the road if he does order the Joule.

Hi Baranyi

I also have the Berning/Syrah combo with Merlins. I would expect the Berning would work very well with Von Scheikerts so long as the impedance doesn't drop below 4 ohms. Of course there is a feedback adjustment for lower impedances but I find the low feedback setting on the amp preferable. The power especially at 70 watts must be experienced to be appreciated. I've never heard it run out of gas, that is the music never compresses like many tube amps seem to when the going gets tough. It is a great match with the Syrah in that they compliment each other quite well, the liquid transparency of the Syrah with the clear, dynamic unflappable Berning.
Hello Gang. A while back, I posted an alternative tube that can hold its own with the ultra expensive Western Electric 350B when employed as regulators in the supratek. I have been using a pair of 6F6g [ST bottle shape] from the 1930's in my Syrah for more than a month now.Mine are labelled rogers, however, I believe they were made by National Union[the company that first developed the 350b]. These power pentodes are slightly smaller than the 350b and their internals are almost indentical. Do "not" use the 6F6 metals[developed first] as they do not sound the same as the later glass tubes.These 6F6 power pentodes preceeded the more common 6V6 beam tetrode tubes and were used mostly in old radios and consols of the day.They should be relatively cheap and easy to source with a little searching as there is virtually no demand for these tubes today.The 6F6g will amaze you in the supratek! They sound so much like the 350b its simply a no brainer.