Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
Hi again Joe,
I just realized, I think, that you were talking about the M1 part of your AN Soro. Have you heard the M2? I thought that there was an enormous difference between the M2 & the M1. In fact, when I took my M2 in for a mod, I had a M1 loaner. I ended up hardly listening to music. I've also had an M3 home for a listen, and I found it good but not impressively better than the M2 modified. Now I've also just seen your post about having to go up to an M5 to get in the range of the Supratek. Now that's saying something!!!!

If I may ask, would you recommend the Sauvignon or the Chenin? I know the former is line stage only, but I pretty happy with my Audion phono stage. It seems to fit my MMF well, which is set up for MM cartridges & has an installed high out MC. Somewhere down the line I'd like to upgrade my turntable, and maybe then the phone stage of the Supratek will be useful. But right now I'd like to get the best line stage I can, & it seems like I'd get more with the Sauvignon.

Again, thanks for your feedback. This is a difficult and frustrating decision, but it's sure a lot of fun!!!

Anybody else have some advice? I'd love to hear it.

Mick's phono stages are wonderful as you've read here and in other on-line forums. An additional incentive is the shorter signal path, fewer connections, and elimination of another interconnect. If matrimonial harmony permits it, buy the Chenin. You can recoup some of the extra money you need for the Chenin by selling the Audion and extra interconnect. Just my $02#.
Thanks for the feedback, but isn't the Chenin the new name of the Syrah? It costs around $2900, while the Sauvignon is the line only for the Cortese. The Cortese is about $5000 while the Sauvignon is around $3500. So I could go $2900 or $3500, but I can't go $5000. So I guess my basic question is whether the line stage of the Cortese is that much better than the Chenin? Hell I don't know, but I really appreciate your input. I wonder if the phono stage is that much better than the Audion. The Audion is pretty darn good. Are you familar with it?
Chardonnay is linestage of Chenin (formerly Syrah), Sauvignon is linestage of Cortese, and Cabernet is linestage of Grange.

I am familiar with the Audion but more importantly have not heard it with your gear which is really the key in evaluating any component. That being said I come back to my previous points regarding shorter signal path, etc. and the advantages of them.

How do the Chenin and Cortese compare you asked? I guess my thought here is to contact Mick and get the scoop from him. Initially I was going to buy a Cortese but after numerous emails and discussions with him decided to have a Grange built; it matched up with my other components better than the Cortese. You only live once I suppose but we all live on budgets. One of the features that comes with Mick's preamps is they will sell quickly and without much $$$$$ loss, if any, should you need to move it. I can't recall seeing any Supratek preamp lasting more than a few days on Audiogon. Take your time and make the right decision.
Crackling sound on my right speaker. I have run my Chardonnay for about 50hrs. with the stock tubes (EH/Sovtek) supplied by Mick. When I turn down the volume with or without playing a CD I can hear crackling and hiss noise from the right channel even as far as 7ft.

As suggested by Mick I have the tubes with the white mark placed in the left channel and the other on the right.

I have the pre set up just as in the manual and the gain switch is at 5th position.

I'm using the TEAC VRDS 10 as a transport hooked up to the tubed Audionote DAC 3.1x signature (not balanced)with the MC352 power amp.

Overall I'm not too happy with the sound. Can you'll give me some input? Thanks.