Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.

Are you sure you have round plates and not just tung sol 6sn7's? My tung sol round plates sound fantastic from top to bottom. Smooth in the top end, great midrange and solid, deep bass. Mine sounded this way from the day I got them. BWhite once posted pictures of the Tung Sol round plates on this thread, but I doubt if I could find it. I will try. If I do, I will let you know where to find them. Guess I need to get a pair of the EH6sn7's to see how they stack up.
Hullo from Scotland !
Got a nos Mazda/ mullard from Holland ? my other GZ34 MUST BE DUFF because after 2 days this is a huge improvment.
Screechy, nasty to start with but just gets better & better in every respect than the Sovtek - not by a huge amount & not to slag the Sovtek - really shines at the frequency extremes though in comparison.
Wan't to try the Bendix but the shipping is more than the tube.

Fool that I am, I have missed the obvious - there are some very nice NOS tubes available in the UK for buttons as opposed to the rather silly prices on Gon & Ebay.
Suggest Supratekies from the same neighbourhoods get together - NOS Mullard GZ34s are readily available for around $44 which seems ? reasonable.
Quite happy to send gifts to the states and stop people screwing everyone.
Set of brown/red base CBS/RCAs coming (6sn7s)so I should never need another set of these - I hope so,I've spent more on valves than I did on the amp.
Still it's fun & way the nicest most rewarding bit of kit I've ever owned - I listen, I look and I think that should have cost way more than it did !!
Now that I have spent days tweaking all the tables - the phono stage is - enlightening ? never had to spend six hours tweaking the azimuth but the that was because I could never hear the results properly.

Mick for PM of Oz says me!
The wife says they're lovely but couldn't the c--t make them a bit friggin smaller, Aussie Git !
3 weeks down the line she listened to 2 & half songs then started on"What does that bit do? - is it absolutley necessary - blah, blah" Last time I ever ask her opinion - thank the lord she will never tell the differnce when a Cortese or Cabernet appears !!!!!!!
First thing I did right out of the box was to compare them to pics. Yep, they appear the real deal.

Maybe they just need some time on them, but I did read another post in the Asylum where a guy said they were bright in his system.

I also received an email earlier today from another guy who said " have used a couple of different pair of round plates in my Syrah. Both noisy, lousy bass, I don't know what the hoopla is about. I now use Hytrons. Pretty good."

So like always, so much is system and listener dependent.

I will eventually give them some more burn-in time, but I am really enjoying the EH 6SN7's.
I should get my TSRP next week im hoping they sound good,if not i should not have a problem selling them,,also getting a pr of RCA grey glass VT231,,
Mick & tube rolling: I totally understand his position... he is a manufacturer and it would be illogical to build a product which is optimized for rare tubes - plus, he cannot spend all his time answering email questions about what tube works & which do not, what tubes sound the best and which do not.

Admonishing tube rolling is the only logical answer.

Every system is different and so is every tube - this is perhaps one reason why everyone has their favorite tube combo.

Regardless of how Mick "tunes" a Supratek to sound, there will always be something (tube combination) which sounds better for each system. Unfortunately, there is a lot of cancellation & reinforcement which goes on in building an audio system - to create balance - a simple example would be a bright system being made better with warmer tubes. This is a necessary part of audio & regardless of what Mick says, or how he tunes a Supratek (and for which tubes) there will always be compensation required (or equalization) in order to truly optimize a system. Mick can only tune a preamp based on HIS system and room. Plain and simple, HIS listening environment is different than anyone else's.

Yes.. different tubes can change the operating parameters of the Supratek. In my experience, changing those parameters were a necessary part of getting the most out of the Supratek. If Mick spent time "tuning" my preamps, then obviously he didn't spend enough time on important tuning details like asking me how I liked my music to sound.. or asking about my other components, etc. As good as Mick is, his tuning can never be as good as mine - sorry Mick.

Since it is impossible for him to know all of us, and listen to all our systems, Mick must make assumptions in his tuning. Those assumptions will most likely not work for the vast majority of us.

One of the greatest strengths of the Supratek is the fact that it can be tweaked so easily with tube rolling.