Preamp expriences? Good value amp

I will be listening to a Rogue 66 Magnum preamp this weekend. What are your experiences? I'm looking for a preamp with good imaging, detail, and a bit of warmth. Any suggestions? Also, a friend of my suggested a Muse Model 3 Signature, a totally updated preamp from Muse Electronics. It suppose to have a very transparent sound. The theater loop is a HUGE plus. Any thoughts. My systems are, EAD PM1000 amp, Bohlender 520dx hybrid ribbon speakers, Sony ca7es (want to upgrade) CDP.


I owned a Rogue 66 before upgrading to Air Tight. I found the 66 to be warm and musical and a good match to my Maggies with their ribbon tweeter. If you get the remote control volume, I think you may loose the tape monitor button. Also, the mute on my 66 just lowered the volume about 20dB or so, it did not cut the signal. However, the 66 is one of the best values in tube preamps and well worth an audition.
Good listening!
The Kora Eclipes is a huge value! When I bought mine 1998, it retailed for close to $7000. They had some issues I guess and you can find that same unit new for under $2000 (retail $4000+). Please try it, it may now be the best buy in audio. At $7000 it was a great unit, at $2000 it's a steal!
The Audio Research tube preamps also sound nice, and have theatre pass-thrus.
For those who owned Rogue 66, did you notice any interchannel (source) talk and transformer hum? I've heard from other owners about these issues.

I'm a BIG fan of resolution (imaging) and soundstage. Admittedly, tube-based preamps probably provide a bigger soundstage than their SS counterpart.

Thanks for all the inputs so far. Looking forward to reading some more.

As Yoda said, "There is another". As you are CD based, your amp has a good amount of gain, and your ribbons are VERY revealing, you really ought to check out one of the Reference Line Preemminance pre-amps. They are "passive" preamps with full switching and tape loop facilities. The newer versions have dual, stepped attenuators. They are astonishingly transparent and dynamic. Best of all they go for about $400-600 here. If resolution, dynamics and soundstaging are big hitters in your book, you will probably decide to keep it within seconds after hearing something played thru one. Good luck.