Preamp for Pass

I have a ARC LS26 preamp, but thinking about trying something else, but still a tube preamp.

I have tryed the DIY Tram II witch was fitted with duelund compoens and others opgrades. that sounded great from the midrange and up, but lacked some in the bass, compared to my LS26.

So witch tube preamps are great with Pass?
i'm in the same mode, more or less, though not looking so far up the food chain as the Canary . . . any thoughts on the modwright 9.0 se vs. the pass labs X-2.5 matched with a pass amp product (something like the first watt F-4, for instance)?

only negative i've seen w/regard to the 2.5 is mildly hissy . . . natural inclination to stay within brand, all being equal, but the modwright seems really strong.

i am not in a situation where any real auditioning is feasible.

Which pass is it? I would think the modwright would be a sideways move.
I owned the modwright with a pass x150. I enjoyEd
Which pass is it? I would think the modwright would be a sideways move.
I owned the modwright with a pass x150. I enjoyed the combo. Using a supratek preamp with it now. Warmer sounding. Modwright is an excellent preamp but so is your ARC preamp. I'd try other interconnects / power cords before you change preamps.
The LS26 is a nice preamp, try tweaking it as suggested by Jeffjazz, or use no preamp at all if you haven't done so.
Depends which Pass amp, a lot of the Passlabs poweramps are very low input impedance, which are not very freindly to most high output impedance tube preamps.
Do your home work first the output impedance of the preamp should be at least 3 x or more lower than the input impedace of the poweramp it has to drive.

Cheers George