Preamp/Tuner to be used as a tuner only?

This question may be better suited to another (newbie) forum, but A'gon is the only forum that I frequent.

My question is, will I be able to use my preamp/tuner (an Adcom GTP 450) as a tuner, after I upgrade to an Audio Research LS preamp?


Similar to what has been said, run from the Tape Out. Normally this should send the full signal to the new pre-amplifier and bypass the GTP 450's volume control.
"Similar to what has been said, run from the Tape Out. Normally this should send the full signal to the new pre-amplifier and bypass the GTP 450's volume control."

This is exactly how I hooked my NAD 1600 to my Sonic Frontiers SFL-2. The volume knob on the NAD is bypassed.