Preamplifier: Yes or NO ?

I post this thread because I want to know your opinion about the use of the preamplifier or if no preamplifier is better. A few years ago I tried the old Wadia 6 CD Player with volumen control. Althought it sounded very well without preamplifier I felt the sound lost body.
I red that many brands improved the volumen control in they CD Players so I want to know if you could compare with or without preamplifier.
So if you have CD Player like Wadia, Mark Levinson or Audio Aero, please let me know your opinion.
It all comes down to the volume control and output of the CDP. A buddy of mine has a Metronome CDP but it has a low end volume control. It sounded very nice until we added a preamp into his system (all preamps gave the same results when we added one) soundstage grew, dynamics grew, etc. That being said, I had the Wadia 861, Resolution Audio Opus 21 and Accuphase 77 in my system. The difference was much less then my friends. Add in the cost of another pair of ICs, power cord, tubes for a tube preamp and well you get the picture. I have not tried the Levinson or Audio Aero Capital CDPs that are supposed to have very good volume controls. I also have not tried a modified CDP with volume such as Modwrigth or APL. These will cost as much as the preamp.

So is a preamp better, that depends on what you feel is better and how much you want to spend. You get what you pay for.

Happy Listening.
A "Yes" for me. I have never gotten good results without one - despite having amps and CD players with volume controls. But this will always be system dependant so there is surely no absolute answer.

Yes. I have an Opera Audio Consonance Reference 2.2 CD player (volume control) and I greatly prefer a preamp (at least mine - Mapletree Audio 2A SE) in line. It offers a much fuller and more vibrant sound. To confirm that the preamp is not adding anything not present in the recording I had a friend over who has been recording voice, piano, and small ensembles for many years. He brought over his own recordings to play and felt that my system was true to the recorded material and sounded astonishingly well.
Another "yes" here as well.

I have not gotten good results without preamps even though I had an Audio Aero DAC with built in preamp and vol control, and with a vol control on my current cdp. There was always "something" missing.
NO--in my system I only have one source, an Audio Aero Capatole mk2. I tried it with my BAT VK50se and without. I sold the BAT and bought some nice IC's. In my system, and to my ears it clearly sounds better going direct!!! You will have to try it for yourself in your room with your system. There is no right or wrong.