Price No Object Amps

Just posting for human interest/curiosity purposes. I wouldn't suppose anyone on AGON has one of these, however, from a sonic performance perspective, which would you choose?

....I will put my Sunfire sig 600 against these behemoth's (name drop) any day of the week. Bob KNOWS what he is doing.....


I know what you mean about Bob Carver gear. I had an MXR-130 for almost 30 years. While it was no match for the McIntosh MA5200, Krell Vanguard or Musical Fidelity M6si I auditioned, even the dealer commented how good the 30 y/o Carver sounded (I specifically brought it to the dealer for my comparison/audition).


you are the one that made this claim;

"Somehow I feel that anyone serious about purchasing one of these models is probably not primarily motivated to obtain the absolute sound."

so it’s on you to support it.

how can you know someone’s motivation for buying something? when most/many times they don’t even clearly know it.

and you used the term "anyone".......not....."I know of some people". generalizations are very difficult to support and polarize people.

my point was not to judge.

if you feel you are in a position to judge then help me/us to understand how you know these things about 'anyone'.


I was under the impression that this was a lighthearted thread. 

I certainly meant no intention to fuel a deep rooted debate.

My apologies to all who were offended by my comments.

Hi Mike,

I was going to comment that the closest thing I've heard to those amps would be when I've heard yours! 

It it would be hard for me to believe that any of those would sound much better than your Dart Zeals. Of course, it's all about the "system" not one particular piece. 

Hope me you've been well!


hi John,

yes, all is good and i hope the same with you....and thanks.

agree completely that amps are a 'system synergy' type product. they can be a 'trophy' type product too. but at the top of the food chain the right better amps can make all the difference......they are the 'heart' of the system. the rationalization for investing in very expensive amplifiers requires a specific set of priorities.

OTOH there are fine sounding amps at all price points. and not all expensive amps sound that way......and many of them need very particular systems to flourish. the expensive tube amps typically need particular NOS tubes to really shine.

so this whole subject is multi-dimensional.