PrimaLuna DiaLogue Seven Speaker Match

Hey all

I'm looking to get my first component system, and I am totally in love with PrimaLuna's amp and preamp. My plan is to get they DiaLogue Seven monoblocks, as well as the DiaLogue Three preamp.

My source will be vinyl or my iPhone/iPod.

My musical tastes are mainly rock, metal, bluegrass, alt-country, and folk.

I'm not worried about deafening anyone -- I just want good, solid, organinc musical reproduction.

With that said, does anyone have any speaker recommendations for a full PrimaLuna rig? I'm sure Thiel CS3.7s sound glorious, but is something like that -- which wants 300-600 watts of power -- "too much speaker" for these amps?

Any thoughts would be MUCH appreciated!
Orpheus - thanks for the breakdown,
for my pre it currently has 2 mallards and 2 blacktops.
i am placing the clear tops on the pwr amps. can't wait.
i used el 34 originally from primaluna don't know what type it was really good but replaced them with kt 88 genalex . i liked the bottom and top end better , but the voicing not on par with el 34.
I own PL 6 mono amps. I'd suggest that you talk thru the 6 vs 7 option with Kevin. At an audition of the two options at Upscale, he capably demonstrated that they are voiced a bit differently from each other. Your preferred speaker may then impact your choice of PL amp, which might well be better than having the specific PL amp dictate the choice of speaker.

Good Luck,

If you're a music lover, as opposed to an equipment lover; you will always get the right amp, and let it dictate which speaker you choose.

However, there are different kinds of music lovers. If you listen to the inner beauty of the music as opposed to "boom bada boom" it's the amp; but if it's "boom bada boom" that floats your boat it's the speaker.
Funny the guy that started this thread never showed up?
i the worst kind of listener, all of the above.Loving the equipment for its look ART Noveau at its best, And sound how it makes me dream.
But thanks to the wealth of information here- I'm slowly understanding the people of this hobby-everytime i sell something-the knowledge keeps passing on. Most people in this hobby are like crazy genius - making their own wires , speakers , x-overs , electrical you name it - tweakers !!
I've been selling a few items lately to raise money for speakers and its such knowledgeable people i meet from the upper middle class-nuclear engineers, electrical engineers, Business men with time=wow! what a talent pool
I'm just a fishmonger who can hardly read and write.
Sionlim, you are in the largest majority of "posters" here on the Gon, although I don't think you're in the largest majority of audiophiles.

All the audiophiles I've known personally, were very deep into the music, but I don't think any of them post here on the Gon. Several moves and life's complexities have put me out of touch with old audiophile friends.

One of them was a "fireman" who had excellent taste in equipment. He could hear a rat pissing on cotton in the next room. His love of music drove him to sacrifice in order to get the sound he required.