Primaluna - Rolling pre tubes question...

I'm new to rolling tubes, and have been using the stock 12AU7.
I've a PL Prologue premium integrated with 2 12AU7's per channel. I want to test a new pair(before investing in more), so wondering if front or rear position would best reveal the new tubes character?

I have the Primaluna Dialogue Premium , basically the big brother of your Prologue Premium . I have settled on the same power tube , the Black Treasure 6CA7 .
If you can wait a while I have some Amperex 12AU7's and some
7316's that I will be rolling in a few days with the BT's .
I was also thinking of the Cifte's as well but don't have any to try .
A less expensive alternative to the Amperex with most of the same characteristics would be some BEL's . They are the same design but made in a different factory (India) and time period .
If you do try some Cifte's , I would be interested in your opinion on how they do with your BT's .

Good Luck
Newbee - Appreciate the help.

Mechans -
Thanks for the recommendations - I was thinking about Telefunken, though budget may not allow it at this point. I'd say transparency is key, but balance overall suits my taste. I think the Cifte will add a touch of air and clarity in the mids...and based on at least one thread I'd read, this may come at the cost of bass definition. We'll see.

Saki70 -
I did order a pair of the Cifte, and will place in them in the front/middle position, and keep the stock tubes in the rear. I'll do some critical listening and follow up.

For reference: I am also a musician, and really dig tone, speed and dynamics (so like high sensitivity speakers).. so am less focused (though they are still important) on imaging and soundstage. Maybe I lean toward live vs. hifi?
I listen to almost every style in some form, though recent choices have been largely focused equally on small combo jazz and more experimental contemporary pop/rock. I've a modest system - and have just 2 years experience with critical listening to tube amps- so will try and focus on direct comparisons between the Cifte and stock PL 12AU7s.

Hopefully this will be useful.
Thanks again

PL Prologue premium integrated/Tekton Lore/Parasound zdac.
If the Cifte's take you in the right direction , you may want to try them in the driver position also . The two front/middle tubes control the input section and the two back/outside tubes control the driver section .
Some people will experiment further with different tubes in each section to further tailor the sound . There are many possibilities !
Have fun and let us know how it goes .
One week with the Cifte 12AU7s in the front position, and PL stock tubes in the rear. I'm assuming they may still be settling in...probably 40 hours or so on them.
I'm hearing clarity across all frequencies - not harsh - more like we've turned the light up in the room and the back corners are illuminated. Really nice.

With some recordings, a lack of humidity is revealed...perhaps a bit papery at times.

Would a Mullard or other similar type in the rear position balance the sound? Mechans -You mentioned the British tubes?

Take for instance, a well recorded drum kit...I want all that air and resonance, and maybe a touch of fuzz on the kick drum...More tennis ball than rubber ball.

I'm missing the luscious mids and upper bass.
Yes there are classically warm British tubes like the Mullard ECC82, the Philips Miniwatt, Mazda,and even Valvo (which is as likely to be German so be careful, etch code is your ally) and the Mullard Mil Spec 4003.Another British tube that glides under the radar that is the more neutral sub made by Brimar the 13D5. I am sure you can find Mullards to try., but if you didn't like the reissue Gold Lions not sure you would like these either. Did you try the small Gold Lions? I forget but does the treasure series include some of the pre amp tubes?