Proac 2.5 vs Vandersteen 2Ce

Which is warmer, smoother, and generally more musical?
Proac is a fine speaker but for all the qualities you cite -- "warmer, smoother, and generally more musical" -- the nod has to go to the Vandersteens. They are not the last word in detail or soundstaging, but they are, well, warm, smooth, and musical!
Interesting observations. Just curious about the amplification used for comparison with both these speakers?
I have heard the Vandersteen 2CE Signatures in a showroom with ARC tube amplification. I found them to emphasize the lower midrange at the expense of the higher frequencies. They sounded smooth, but I didn't care for the tonal balance. I own a pair of DIY Proac 2.5's and really love their bass and midrange response, well extended but not at all thick. They manage to sound rich, but not at the expense of the high frequencies. I love playing cello and viola d'gamba recordings through them. They mate very well with my ARC tube electronics. They also have a relatively small footprint. I urge you to audition both.
A pair of ProAc 2.5's replaced my Vandersteen's in my listening room years ago. "Warmer, smoother and generally more musical" is an interesting way to post the question, but to me the question that most conveys the difference is "which speaker best puts the performance into your listening space". With that in mind, the ProAcs win hands down. If your electronics are not of high quality, the Vandersteens do a great job of hiding shortcomings but if you have the electronics---the ProAcs are keepers!
Have worked in 6 high end audio stores over the years. And my experience between the two are that I much prefered the Proac's. About what above Proac advocates are saying.
Personally, I don't find the Vandies offensive however, just like the old Mirage M3's/M1's. When I listen to both of those lines, I hear veiled, softened, colored sound somewhat. Still, I find those lines similar. And when it comes down to it, I find the Proac's on a whole are more accurate transducers, and more true to the source...more matter of fact.
personally, I'm not nor ever have been interested in the Vandersteen's. I do like the Proac 1.5's for the buck however.