Proac Response D 48/Tannoy Kensington

I was curious if anyone has had the opportunity to compare the Proac Response D48 and Tannoy Kensington. I realize they are probably quite different but I was interested in what you all thought. I have heard the Proac's on a few different occasions and was really impressed with what I heard. Recently, someone told me I should seek out the Tannoy Kensington's before I bought anything, but that isn't easy here in the states. There are a few dealers but it would require quite an effort to hear the Tannoy's. Thought I would seek your opinions before I did anything else.
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I am considering to upgrade to the Proac D48R as well , I understood that it is very efficient speaker that do not need lots of power  but my concern is that my Mcintosh MC152 rated 150W power officially (but actually has 250W
real output power aprox )  is not enough to drive them properly ?
 what do you think ?
itzhak1969, according to the Tone Audio review your amp should be fine, they are relatively easy to drive.  I will be using McIntosh with my D48R as well, the 452, plenty of power there. 
Kensington is probably the only speaker in the Prestige line which can sound bright if not well matched with the amplifier. Proac sounds nice but not spectacular in any sense. Tannoys on the other hand can totally bowl you with their effortless presence, dynamics and tone if amplified well.