Problem with my Sony SCD-777ES

My Sony has developed a problem. It generally refuses to play SACDs, and when it will play them, it does so with a very audible mechanical clicking sound. A bit temperamental with redbook CDs as well.

Here in the SF Bay Area, Sony no longer has a repair depot that accepts customer drop-offs. I would need to ship the unit to them, which I would prefer to avoid if possible. To get counter service, I need to go to a Sony authorized service provider, but I wonder if any of these shops really know what they are doing with a unit like the 777.

Any thoughts?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin

Did you tried what I recommended you(level transport & Shut it off for a while) ?

Be patient !

I felt the same when I first heard that mechanical noise.

I forgot to mention you that it is good to unplug the unit from the AC.

Good Luck !

Frank P.
Yes, I powered down for two hours, re-leveled, and still have the clicking sound.
I will echo my own response. Send it back to Sony. The player should be able to play 24/7 with no problems. :-)
Drubin, I had a similiar issue with my SCD-1. It player for a while and then the signal stopped. The counter kept going as if it was tracking, just no signal. It tended to be intermittent so it was hard to figure. I first tried to clean the spindle but no luck. I finally sent it out and it turned out to be one of the motors. I had it replaced and all is right with the world again. I had Richard Kerns at Audiomod in Portland do my work. He turned it around in a week vs Sony and months. My warrents was voided when I had Richard modify my unit earlier, so I was reluctant to have Sony in there anyway. I might suggest you talk with him and maybe concider one of the modifications he offers, I promise you will not be unhappy with the results. You'll have a player you only prayed was avalible. Write me if you have any questions. J.D.