Proceed/Sim Audio synergy???

Currently have a Proceed AVP2 matched with a Sim Audio Titan amp. The laid back sound of the Proceed matched very well with my previous Bryston amps. I like a forward presentation with the vocals in the front row. Now with the Proceed/Sim Audio combo, they seem to be somewhere in the back. Is there another pre/pro out there that can give me what i want. Maybe the Sim Audio Attraction?
I have the Titan and I have just switched to the Attraction 7.1. They are great together! The Attraction ealily beat my previous processors (Bryston, Classé and EAD Ovation) These three ain't bad, it is just that the synergy is better with the Attraction. Don't know about the Proceed but I think that the Attraction is tough to beat with his mate the Titan.

Why doesn't Audiogon list Moon or Attraction in its manufacturer's list ... can't get comps on any of it!