PS Audio BHK Signature preamplifier

Hi :-)
Has anyone heard this one?
And/or compared it with some other high-end preamps in the $5.-10.000 range?
I have Welborne Labs Star Chief 45 Monos and Avantgarde Acoustic Mezzo speakers (107 dB/(Wm)), and I'm now using a BAT VK-53SE preamp. I'm not sure of that running the BAT versus the SET amps brings the best out of the BAT.........
The BHK have got good reviews on SoundStage and audiophilia...........
Thanks :-)
I have the BHK Pre along with the BHK 300 Monos, the DS DAC and the DMP Memory player. The Pre is excellent. Versatile too. 5 XLR/RCA inputs.
I have the BHK pre and BHK 250 amp.  Sounds fantastic with stock tubes but couldnt resist upgrading to the tubes to Tungsram PCC88 / 7DJ8 is both units.  After breaking in it sounded even better.
BHK pre am, BHK 250 amp, Rega RP6 w/ Ortofon black, Rogue audio phono stage, PS Audio DAC junior, chapman speakers.
So longbowbbs,

Between the BHK Preamp and the DMP, if you had to choose to keep one and let the other go, based on sonics which would you keep?
Hello all, thanks for interesting posts :-)
I have now auditioned the PS Audio BHK Signature for about a week, and I think it is an amazing good preamp. Actually, in my ears, and in my gear, it is the best preamp I have ever heard related to price!
It is so close to my BAT VK-53SE on many parameters, costing 40 % of the BAT :-O

It is inferior to the BAT on the following areas:
- Resolution (but only slightly)
- Bass extension (I assume it rolls of 3-5 Hz higher up than the BAT which goes VERY deep, I guess that for most loudspeakers this will not be noticed)
- Macro dynamics/slam
- Harmonic tone structure (if that is the correct English words to use), (noticed on piano, big string instruments etc)
- Soundstage depth (but only slightly)

The PS Audio BHK Signature preamp is a bargain and highly recommended! It sounds musical and natural, and presents all kind of music in an engaging way.
I tested the preamp with Mullard NOS tubes (1958), which was an improvement relative to the PSVANE standard tubes.