PS Audio DL 3 or MF Tri Vista 21 DAC?

Your thoughts on which is better? I was debating getting a new cdp, but from the advice of other audiogon members, and thinking it over, I think it is a better idea to get a good DAC to use with my current cdp, and wait until I figure out exactly how I want to implement a hard drive based system.

So, from what I have read these are 2 very good DACs, but which is a better buy? What are the strenghts/weaknesses of each. The MFTV21 listed for $2400 and Im hoping to pick it up here on Audigon for around $1100. The PSADL3 lists for $999 and I could get it for around $750 here. What about the level 3 or level 4 Cullen circuits modded DL3 at around $1500 new?

Should they both retain their value pretty well?


In case it matters, I am using a MAC 6450 Integrated amp, and Gallo Ref. 3.1 speakers. Transparent Cables. The cdp is an Onkyo dvd player.
Oh yeah, one last question..
To connect the cdp to a DAC, the cable does not really matter right? I have heard the quality of a digital cable isnt important in the way it is with analog cables because with digital either the signal goes through or it doesnt. With analog the fidelity of the signal must be maintained. Is this true or will I have to buy a high quality optical or coaxial digital cable?
At the price level you're looking at I would reassess your choice of a seperate DAC. I've tried tons of digital cables, they can make a big difference, a good one is costly. Secondly, transports make a big difference, you will not be hearing the potential of either of those DACs using the Onkyo as a transport.
try the stereovox xv2 digital cable. Can be purchased new $200 and used $150. You won't get better performance for the money.