PS Audio: Power Plant Premier. How much ....

Anyone have any experience with maxing out a power plant premier? I run two pass labs amps at 300 each and a solid state phono at about 50 for 650 continuous. The fan doesn't turn on but I have to wonder if I would get better dynamics with two. I have gone straight to the wall and the dynamics are sharper, but I miss the blacker background and the detail that comes with it. Don't want to buy another just to find out. thanks
Sell It while you can. You can do a lot better with something else other than a PPP. I did.
I am going to buy a second one not because I am having power issues but to isolate my CJ 350 from the rest of the system. I am running the 350, my pre, CD transport and DAC and my phono stage off mine and never hear the fan running. And the 350 draws a lot of power when I am pushing the L5s hard. One of the best things I ever bought.
I own a PS Audio PPP. Along with a PS Audio P600, AND a Furman REG20i.
I am a big believer in both conditioners, and not stressing them to much.
If you want the maximum from them they should not be maxed out with a heavy load.
Both my PS Audio products are just warm to the touch with the loads I have on them.
If you have two identical amps? on the PPP? or two Pass Labs products (not amps?
((I just cannot see those giant Pass Amps on a PPP?))
Anyway, I like my variety of conditioners a lot.
My amplifier, a Bryston 4B-SST2 is on a Furman REF20i. I bought used here on the goN' for $1,400.