PS Audio Ultimate outlet

Have thought about one to protect amp from surges but do not want to affect the sound. Anybody have one?
I had been waiting for weeks for these ultimate outlets to do some magic to my amps (Bryston 7b-st) like the 300 had done for my SA-1 and Tact Rsc 2.o. I had similar good experience with the ultimate power cord which was purchased to go with the 300 but I found the most emprovemnt with it attached to my SA-1. Now enter the Untimate outlets. I bought one for each of the amps. I set my system to mono and did double blind testing on each speaker. the outlet did have a significant effect on the sound in my system. all negative. it was likd i had put a blanket over the speaker it was hooked into. I tried one on one speaker; then the next (not knowing which one was connected until the music played). I couldnt stand it. after 2 days of burn in i boxd them up. they were that bad in my system. hopefully this was an abaration system specific or an early defective run. YMMV. I would sure like to know what they tested these on and whether the results were mixed. p.s. Audio is a great company. I sure hate to see them make a product which is not only mediocre, but substantially degrades the sound.
Sorry, but feeling obligated, to report this news.
I disagree with you. PS Audio is not a great company; it's a fantastic one. But on the outlets for the amps something has gone terribly wrong; I wonder if it's the flimsy power cords, but I doubt that that alone can account for the terrible effects they have on the sound when placed on amps.
Yesterday, your Ultimate Outlet arrived. 5 minutes later, it ws on line. I have no idea what your claims are for this piece. Please remember that my system is "tubed" from one end to the other. But what I heard was: a drop in the noise. Those little silences in music are breathtaking.
Also a clearer decay in the notes, they go on forever! As if the resolution increased. The same for imaging. The frequency balance seems more uniform. Music is just more real! The real test will come tonight, when I listen in a totally dark room. This could be scarey!

You have made me a believer. And this from a person who doesn't believe in tweaks. If anyone doesn't have, at the very least, your Power Plant: they DO NOT know what their systems are capable of reproducing. And the "outlet" has raised the bar!! I am filled with admiration. Now I am wondering about your power cords. Will it ever end?
WELL DONE!! Jim Germann