PS Audio Ultimate outlet

Have thought about one to protect amp from surges but do not want to affect the sound. Anybody have one?
Well that will not be too hard for you Stevemj. And we all know you don't want to over extend your limited resources.
hey stevemj, it sounds more-n-more like yure one-o-dem that resides in the camp i mentioned that ewe ignored - ie: if it can't be measured then it doesn't exist. btw, craig ain't the only one who's pleased to know yure less-n-less innerested in accomplishing anything here, i'm sure... ;~)

regards, dug seed in

Sedond - Often the difference between the type of gear usually prefered around here (tube amps for example) can be measured. So there is no mystery, most people here prefer higher distortion.
stevemj, yure not serious, are ewe? it is also known that different types of distortion have different effects on the sound quality - some types of distortion are more benign than others. perhaps ewe should yust stick to radio-shack for yer wiring, & get their optimus electronics, which look yust fine on the spec-sheet. why bother w/spendy stuff - if it doesn't measure any better, then it surely can't sound any better...

doug s.