PS Perfect Wave Trans/DAC versus Meridian 808.2

Has anyone been able to compare these two products or comment on either individually as a significant improvement over high quality red book equipment? I am intrigued by the apodosing filters ability to enhance Red Book sound by reducing pre-ringing. And these two products, as far as I know, are the only ones using these filters.
i got my perfect wave pair using that same trade in plan last year. they did it during intro in july 09. great offer imho. gave them $300-$400 worth of old gear and got 2k off the pwd & pwt. if you're in the market for a new dac/'s something i'd seriously consider. outstanding digital front end without the outstanding price.

have never heard the 808.2. have read it's a great player.

which one sounds the best would depend on what they're hooked up to and what you're looking to hear.

I agree with Ballan, I'd be skeptical of this new fancy filter...

I use the PWT transport coupled to a Audio Note DAC - no filtering, no upsampling, no oversampling, no nothing but MUSIC...

Haven't heard the PWD but I can vouch that the PWT is an AMAZING transport

I have a PWD, it is an outstanding dac.. Waiting on the Bridge which from everything I've heard and read sounds identical to the PWT. Anyway I've owned Meridian gear in the past,nothing as nice as an 808.2.. and thought it was very good sounding digital, But, and a big but here, PWT/PWD combo list price $6000.00 (and could be as little as $4K if your have stuff to trade in with the upcoming PS Audio trade in deal) Meridian list price $16,000. Meridian $10 Grand better ahhh don't think so. Recent reviews of the Perfect wave combo had it being compared to $30K worth of Esoteric gear, reviews though on red book PW combo as good but different, on high rez stuff PW Combo better.Ten gee's buys a lot of other stuff.. Just one guys opinion :-)