PSB Speaker Components For Sale

I'm just gauging interest with this post ...

I have a pair of circa 2000ish PSB Stratus Bronze speakers. The vinyl on the cabinets has suddenly started to peel away, but the real problem is that our cats have seen fit to shred the lower of the two woofers on each speaker.

So I am thinking of dissassembling the speakers and putting the remaining undamaged compenents (two woofers, two tweeters, crossovers, binding posts, wiring) up for sale for some enterprising DIY enthusiast.

Do you think anyone would be interested?
Numbers? I have no idea. I haven't even taken the things apart yet.

I don't know ... somewhere between $50-100 plus shipping?
As PSB used widely recognized production drivers, the parts might fetch some interest with a speaker hobbyist.

In my experience, your best bet to sell the parts is ebay.

You might get $50 - $100, but you might not. Of course, you can always put a reserve on the auction to ensure you don't sell for less than what you feel willing to accept.
Thanks, Trelja. I will try eBay first. If I get no bites, maybe I'll save them and make some cabinets of my own someday.