Q for any Luxman L-509X owners

For anyone with experience with the L-509X - does the "Separate" button work on your remote?

All of my remote buttons on the RA-17A remote are working except the Separate button - it doesn't work. I have to walk across the room to push the "Separate" button on the unit. 

Just wondering if I should contact Luxman about a replacement remote or if this is just the way it is?

Also, can confirm the "long press" DOES work for the Separate button on the remote... awesome! Now I can switch over to my CL-40 tube pre without walking across the room.
slightly off topic, what speakers do you guys use with it, and how does
the amp sound?
I'm using legacy focus se and it sounds incredible. 
Ok thanks guys. I have Legacy Signature SEs and the Luxman is on my short list for a SS integrated to purchase.
I’m driving KEF Blade 2 speakers with my L-509X.  I’m very happy with both. 
I just ditched my Mcintosh ma9000 and traded it for a Luxman 509x... Wow. Just wow. So much more stage and passion then the ma9000. Macs are pretty as hell but this Luxman 509x really performs beautifully. Im driving JBL 4429's and it's really making them sing. Great combination.