
Who is using g Qobuz and how are you finding it? Thank you.
Have been using Qobuz for three weeks. The high res is better than 24/96 MQA (my dac is not MQA) in most cases. I've had no trouble with skipping or lock up using windows app. I do find that Qobuz is lacking in many areas of Jazz in regard to Tidal. They are almost even for all of the usual suspects, but on many lesser names they are way behind. They claim that they do not have there entire catalog available as of yet, licencing issues perhaps. I will give them a few months to get this squared away before I dump Tidal.
Meats, I'm with you. When it's not stopping or locking up or having to put your audio info in every time you start it up, yeah it sounds great. But I'm a jazz guy and the stuff I'm looking for I search for. Sometimes it shows up sometimes it doesn't. Until their whole catalog is there, whats the point of great sound if there is nothing you want to hear. I'll come back in a couple of month's and check it out. Until then, Spotify. More music then I know what to do with. For me it's more about the music. 
Qobuz has more bodies than Tidal MQA. But the Qobuz App beta is difficult to look compare to Tidal. Lack of App on Apple TV and Oppo 105, 204 player is another draw back. Tidal HiFi/MQA has $9.99 price discount for student and Sprint customer. I would say Tidal wins so far.
My Qobuz trial was up tomorrow, decided to "take the plunge" and sign up for a year of the hi-res streaming plan.  I find that they have a better selection of classical music and the search for that is a little better than Tidal.  I'll be keeping Tidal, using it and Qobuz with my Roon subscription.
I was a Tidal subscriber, and am now using the Qobuz trial.

I find the sound quality on Qobuz to be superior to Tidal.  However, >50% of the time, I'm not able to find titles (jazz, electronic) that I find on other services.

So for me, I'll probably not renew Qobuz for the time being.  I'm assuming (hoping) that the catalog will only grow (it is offered as beta), so I expect to check-in again.