Question about different tubes

I have a BAT VK30 tube preamp and a VK200 SS amp. The preamp has 6-6922 tubes and presently has upgraded tubes from upscale audio that say -Russian mill gray plate. The original tubes from BAT were Sovtek 6922's. I am driving a pair of Martin Logan SL3's, and the midrange is a little lacking.

My previous gear was Parasound, and the SL3's were so bright it could make your ears bleed!! From prior recommendations on Audiogon, I picked up the BAT equipment and the SL3's are so warm, its unbelievable. The midrange now however, is a pushed back or a little lacking, if you can understand what I'm explaining.

My question is: will a tube change to the original Sovteks or another tube improve my situation? or are there any other recommendations.

I am using a Nordost red dawn xlr between the amp & pre. Speaker cables are Innersound, coaxial biwire which consists of 2 separate runs to each speaker.

I was also wondering if the BAT amp rated at 100wpc @ 8 ohms / 200 wpc @ 4 ohms, and capable of driving to 1 ohm, is enough power for the 4 ohm Martin Logans. Before, I had two Parasound amps in a horizontal biwire doing 400 wpc.


I used to own the VK-30, I found with good NOS tubes I preferred the VK-30 to the 30SE version. I have experience with MANY 6DJ8/6922 subs in the VK-30.

IMO, based on what you're looking for, there are two tubes that will probably work for you. The first is the Amperex-Holland 6DJ8 Bugle Boys, you want the real deal, not the ripoff Richardson fakes. The Bugle Boys have terrific midband bloom and an overall "wet" sound, with a forward soundstage--it will correct for the flatness of your current sound.

The alternative are Mullard CV2493 gold pins, these are British military versions of the E88CC/6922. These Mullards also feature a very "wet" sound and are terrific, a little rolled off in the treble compared to the Bugle Boys, but an extremely lovely sounding tube.

I would also recommend you look into different cables, the Nordost is a terrible choice with BAT in my opinion. Look for some nice copper cables like Analysis Plus, Acoustic Zen, or Cardas to get you closer to the sound you're looking for.

As for power amps, there are better choices out there than the BAT solid-state amp for your Logans. Innersound, Belles 350A, Llano Trinity would be three excellent choices in the same price range....
I agree with Rlm194. The amperex-holland tube has great midrange. I have two in my SF dac. Hope this helps.
I really appreciate your help with this. I wish I could get my preamp to sound the way I'd like it to. I'd like to try the tubes you recommended but after a conversation last night and a small test at home, I'm having second thoughts.

I hope someone can comment on what I was told, by a reputable someone last night. Please let him be wrong. He told me "tube gear cannot produce sound as good as solid state gear - period!" He says, its electronically impossible for tubes to produce music in its fullest. Further, he says the warmth people describe is from the lack of what is supposed to be there and is not.

After talking with him, I took a good but inexpensive SS pre and hooked it up to my BAT amp. The sound was definately much bigger and really forward. Things that were kind of hidden because of my tube pre, now, were right out there.

So again, I'm not feeling well. Just bought the BAT amp and pre. The amp however solved a bigger problem that I had with excessive brightness, but didn't realized that the tube pre was going to bring me to the opposite extreme. I am considering selling the pre and picking up a SS pre. I dont however want to, but are a little skeptical on spending more money for new tubes when this guy says it will basically always be lacking something. HELP!
I just called Upscale audio to see if I could get a set of the Amperex 6dj8 bugle boys, and they told me they only sell them with new equipment sales. Anywhere else I can get them?....Steve