"HELP" tired Koetsu

Great Forum Gang! MY DILEMA: I have used a Koetsu Rosewood for over 20 years. I have had it retipped once[about 5 years ago and it is tired again. Should I retip it again? or invest in the Shelter 501? I have "never" heard the shelter however; by reading "between the lines" here and elswhere it sounds like it has a similar voicing [tonally] to my beloved Koetsu[lush].I use the Melco table and 2 tone arms 1) sumiko -The ARM and 2)the ET-2[heavily tweaked].The koetsu performs well in both arms. I also have a Stax [12inch model]in the closet somewhere.As I am sure most of us vinyl "dinasaurs" realize arm/cartridge synergy is of paramount importance.Do you think the shelter will work as well as the Koetsu with any or all of these tonearms? The koetsu was magnificent in the ET-2 and was hoping the shelter would be as well.Of course- I am open to other suggestions and recommendations. Cheers David.
Lugnut,(just turned 45 about a week ago)I am down to about 250-300 records. It is hard to find the most new stuff I am interseted in listening to. It culled my record colletion a few years back and it's about 1/4 of what it was. I never got a lot of the classic jazz & classical I should have bought years ago since I always thought I would get around to it. I got to hear that sfuff so much at work and at friends houses it didn't seem important to buy it at the time. I am by no means a record collector, who just buys stuff to have it. So my collection is sort of an odd blend of stuff that isn't real exciting to me right at the moment.Don't get me wrong I do have a lot of gems in there. What do you do if you want to listen to, say, a new band you just found out about like, Calexico. Where the hell you gonna find a copy of "The Black Light" on vinyl? Not gonna happen!

I think the pre is fine. Not everthing sounds noisy, but some of my favorites that were dead silent with the MC seem annoying now. It could be that I just have gotten too used to the sound of CD's.

You don't list your rig, what are you spinning your fuzzy warbles on(ever seen "A Clockwork Orange", "come hear all proper")? You know, flat, black, and circular. Licorice pizza.
Gentleman if you want to read some very good reviews on the shelter cartridges and the Koetsu Black, Rosewood, Rosewood Signature, and Urushi Moving Coil Cartridges go to jerrys audio pages http://www.21stcenturyservices.com/audio/
This guy is good. The shelter 501 is actually the Crown Jewel which Michael Fremer reviewed in Stereophile (v.20 no. 4) where it was given a “Class A” rating, had a $2650 price tag. Mike also said in mike speak that it was as good as any in class A. He also along with other reviews I have read on this cartridge said that the 501 or Crown Jewel conveyed the emotion of the music better than any heard. I guess this is the trait of the Japanese sound, so to speak. years back when I started using mc's I could take the same lp from my house, and play it on my freinds Linn's with mm cartridges. I believe a v15 mark whatever and the noise was terrible. When played on my old systemdeck, silence. The noise you are hearing on the records, is I beleive, the mm cartridge you are using. I have a van den hull frog, that I like very much, unlike the benz I had before. I asked a reviewer of the 501 to give me his opinion, if he thought the 501 was as good or better than the frog. He said his "friend", tried both and perferred the frog. What about the old audio technica Signet oc9 II, with the Boron? I really liked the old verision years ago when I used them. The new one with the boron should be better, also the cantiliver on the 501 is aluminum just like the old signet oc9. Mr. Van den hull says boron is the best for cantilivers. But hey, I don't know. Hope you can use some of this information.

I have an all Linn Aktiv system, LP12/Ittok/Valhalla, Wakonda, Genki, (2)Lk100's, Keilidh. I've had the LP12 since '84 and owned a previous version bought in the late '70's prior to that. I previously had a modest Naim kit consisting of 42.5/110 and Linn Sara's. Early on I had AR/Klipsch/Thorens. I guess I am a collector of lp's since I have rarely parted with anything I bought. Maybe I'm fortunate to not live in an area with worthy radio stations so I don't get exposed to a lot of new music. Our local library is my source for auditioning new tunes. I go there a couple of times a week and check out 5 cd's. I have two used record stores locally and one of them has fair prices with most lp's being less than $10 and the quality is great. The new music that I like I buy in whatever format they are made. My vinyl library is too large to give you an exact count but is over 3,000. Oh yeah, I use a Blue Point Special and would like to get either a new DL 103R or have my FR1 MKII rebuilt. Both of these choices would require a step up device and that's what is putting a cartridge change on hold.
Lugnut and Rockinroni,

The step up thing baffles me as well. I know if I had the money to buy any phono stage and cartridge that I desired this would be a non issue. I could get The Groove, or an ARC REF Phono, and run the microscopic mv coils evryone loves. I guess it is the sound that MM's make that I don't like. Perhaps I will try another MC before I dump it all. It's tough to get new releases on LP. If you do find them they are the expensive heavy weight audiophile pressings. It sounds like you guys get your newer stuff on CD. Does your BPS read noise like mad, Lugnut? I know Twl didn't have much good to say about it, what do you think of it? I could live with a few warts if the damn thing was quiet.

The BPS is just great in the noise department. I've used it with my older Naim gear and my Linn. I know that few audiophiles that frequent this site think highly of Linn but I've got to say that the phono stage is superb in my Wakonda. It would be nice if someone would loan you one of these cartridges to try out. It isn't the best but it just may save you from dumping analog playback. I'm confident that one of the other recommendations made by Twl for a higher output mc (Ortofon X5-MC @ $115) would be superior to the BPS. I agree with you about the price of new lp's. Most do seem to be heavier and more in line with audiophile pressings.

I've lived in Idaho for 15 years now and enjoy the recreational opportunities here but have yet to hook up with anyone that seeks a higher level of playback. We have one rather small high end store in Boise. They suggested the BPS years ago based on my desire to not invest in a step up device and the money I was willing to spend. Until a recent return to home outside of Omaha I had not had a chance to listen to any other offerings.

I'm putting together a "get by" system thanks to the loan of a receiver by Twl and will be listing my current system for sale shortly. Since I have so many albums and haven't grown tired of listening to them I will continue to be vinyl based. I do know that I'll be going the Lowther route and be tube based but I'm really concerned about the phono part of the equation. I'll be leaning heavily on Tom to steer me in the right direction. Unlike a lot of audiophiles I can't afford to make a mistake in doing this.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the coming years. There is undoubtedly a renewed interest in vinyl playback, the digital wars are far from over, copyright protection is in the forefront of the recording executives minds, the Redbook cd is losing it's patent, home theatre is driving the software side of things and I'm scratching my head. I yearn for a return of a simpler time when there were actual record stores filled with generic pressings that were affordable. Until then I will continue to buy small collections of vinyl and live mainly on music that's new to me but older. The listening part of this has been a lot of fun but the cleaning and sorting is a chore. Plus, what to do with the dogs? I hate to throw them in the trash but don't want to save them.

I apologize for the rambling and especially for being off topic but this is the best damn thread I've read in the year and a half I've been visiting this site.
