Received your Magnepan 30.7’s Yet

Have you received your Magnepan 30.7’s yet?  Supposedly they are shipping now.  Would love to hear your thoughts on the new Flagship speaker.

Greetings all...I'm Greg, I design and build GT Audio Works planar ribbon speakers. I may be a bit late to the party having only found this thread yesterday. 
First let me apologize for my dealer Steve (faxer) of Sound Insight for hijacking your Maggie thread, I have asked him to refrain from doing this in the future. I share your pain on this subject and dont condone it. That being said, I feel I needed to reply directly to insinuations by others as to the sound of my speakers. After I have my say, I will be sure all posts comply to the rules of Audiogon concerning any future posts. If someone can direct me to the forum rules I would appreciate it.

Elizabeth....I assume you own Maggies...I like Maggies..I have owned Maggies 2.5r and 3.5r models, no doubt great speakers from a great company. I have the utmost respect for guys like Jim Winey, Peter Walker, Leo Spiegal and the host of others who took the path less traveled and toiled in their garages and shops with the desire to produce something unique of their own. Fast forward 45 yrs and Maggie  is one of the big players in the high end community. In the early days did they get flack from nay sayers ? I am sure they did. Luckily they did not have the internet from which these hurled arrows stuck fast for all to see. High end audio was a new market and shining with a bright future. New ideas bloomed and investors were there to help nurture these products into reality. With the support of dealers people could actually hear and decide for themselves if the product merited their hard earned money.
Unfortunately the good ole days are gone, brick and mortar stores are hurting and people seem to have little reservation about buying online unheard or unseen.
What troubles me in regards to buying high end audio today is the prevalence of people making quick judgments as to the validity of a product and others making decisions to buy such products solely on the heresay of others. 
Sound Insight is my only dealer, he is located on Long Island NY.
Other than an audio show this is the only place to hear my speakers.
I find serious customers will take the time to fly out and give them a listen where it counts most, properly set up in a home environment.
We will deduct the cost of airfare from a speaker purchase.
 We will be at Capital AudioFest 2018 in November. I invite all who will attend to stop by the Fredrick room for a listen.
As for what you heard at the show Elizabeth....I dont agree with your assessment. Are show conditions optimal ? No. Have I had my share of setup issues at these shows, you bet. I hope you have been around this hobby long enough to know you cant form an educated opinion from just a casual listen.
Can you get pissed at someone for hijacking a Maggie thread and snap back with intent to denigrate a product ? You bet !!

Best Regards,
Hi Josh 358,
Just saw your post about being in my room at CAF.
" I’d asked the guys at GT about why they’d use it at a show and as I recall the guy I spoke to didn’t know."
I dont know who you spoke to but it was not me, maybe I stepped out for a bite.
If you come to this years show I would be glad to discuss my design philosophy. Hope to see you there
Hi Greg,

I won't be at the show, alas, but I hope someday we'll be able to have that discussion, sounds intriguing!
My number is on my web site if you ever wanna chat.

I'm pissed I missed the 30.7's at Audio Connection in NJ
Really wanted to hear them.
I received a pm asking if I got my 30.7s yet. No.... I am (most likely) never going to be able to afford 30.7s  Plus they would never ever fit in my 11'8" wide living room. the 20.7s are OK here, but the bigger footprint of the 30.7s??? no way. 
Sorry. I JUST BOUGHT my 20.7s this Spring! And I am still paying off the refinancing on my car i used to partially pay for them. (and the Marantz SA-10 I bought right after the 20.7s.)So no, I did not get my 30.7s yet.