Recommend a Tube Pre & SS Amp Combo


Having been mulling and searching this over quite a bit and have come to the following conclusion:

My next upgrade will be a tube pre amp and a ss amplifier. I love the tube sound but also like lots of power as I find my current SLI 80 gets a bit compressed as the volume gets loud. I am also trying to make it work with a HT system, which is another reason for the ss amp piece of the puzzle.

Current speakers are Dali 400mkii.

Looking for recommendations on the combo with the following "needs":

Warmer sound than lean
Lots of power
HT bypass on the pre (req.)
Prefer to stay with a single brand for both, but am open to suggestions
Prefer made in north America
Improvement over the SLI 80, if you have experience here

Thanks in advance!
Wow, thanks for the input so far and to answer some questions asked:

Lloyd - You articulated exactly what I am after with "tonality". I have been reading up as much as possible on SS amps and have never come across a recommendation for bolder, will have to dig into that. Also, would a class A amp be wise while also serving as the HT purpose? (I don't have any experience here in class A)

The pre does not need a phone stage, I have one already.

I guess in a perfect world the pre could double as a HT processor for better integration, but I am not will to compromise on 2 channel for this (not sure this is even feasible with valves).

Winoguy - with your combo any urge to upgrade this part of your system feeding our Dali's?

I would like to keep this under $5k and may likely have go used to realize this, which I am fine with.

Anyone have experience with Cary, say the slp05 with there SS amps?

Again, thanks for the advice so far.....