Recommendation for Improvement over McCormack DNA-225

I currently have a McCormack DNA 225 mated with a VTL 2.5 and Line Magnetic 502 DAC powering my Salk Veracity HT3's. I think it sounds really nice but can definitely have some top end harshness, especially at the volumes I like to listen to.  I consider the Salk's are fairly power hungry in the low end (as confirmed with Jim Salk), can anyone recommend a SS amp with as much grunt as the McCormack in the range of 2K plus or minus.  Sure I would like a Pass or Ayre, but those are way above my price bracket.    I've tried Bel Canto Ref1000 mono's and Van Alstine.  The DNA had a better mid range presentation and better bottom end than both, no comparison.  Any other recommendations shy of the DNA 500, which again is over my price range.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xdwolek
There is a Coda CSX listed on US Audio Mart for $2600.  

Went back and looked at the posting that I mentioned. It was posted by Coda,
@timlub , actually that one for $2600 was NOT posted by CODA.
CODA has two ads on US Audiomart. One for a 07X preamplifier for $3600 and one for a TSX amp for $5200.

I did see that ad for the CSX on US Audiomart, and contacted Doug Dale to verify the age/condition. He actually had a newer, refurbished CSX that he sold me for only a couple hundred more, with a two year warranty.
I'm still waiting on delivery, but having owned a Model 10, 20, and 11 amps, and the FET01 and 02b preamps previously, I am very familiar with the CODA brand. One of the reasons I tend to gravitate back towards them. Great sound for a good price.

For the OP, Yes, resale can be difficult, because CODA does not market themselves well. People love to throw money at names like Krell, Levinson, Rowland, companies that throw big money at glossy rags.
This does make for easier resale, but realize that those advertising/marketing fees are passed along to the customer.
In other words, in my opinion, a $5K list price CODA competes very well with $8-$10K brand that pays  top dollar for the marketing/glossy rag coverage. 

Only you can decide if you want to pay the extra money needed to buy a piece of gear that is well marketed, so that resale is easier.

Thanks jmcgrogan2..... you bought the refurb?  That means the dwolek has to fend for himself....   Congrats,  this is a very nice sounding amp.

Maybe dwolek can get a few bucks off the previously enjoyed amp... really though.  I would expect this amp to last 40 years.  You both should be good. I agree that Coda typically compares to product just about double its cost.  Enjoy,  Tim

@dwolek  I have a DNA-1 Deluxe in my system.  I too thought it a bit harsh in the high end and contacted Steve McCormack at SMc Audio about having it modified.  That was quite a few years ago and I am listening to music through it as I type this message to you.  Steve will admit to you that some compromises had to be made with the stock amp to stay within a certain price point.  My modified amp has not a hint of harshness.  There is a richness in a true to life sense and amazing soundstage openness.  And yes, the speed that originally attracted me to the DNA design is still there. Rather than purchase an entirely new amp. at least talk to Steve.  You will have to invest some $ but far less than a comparable new amp.

Good luck!

My X250 is pretty darn good; not at all harsh and I've had a few tube amp lovers comment on its an amp they could live with and I don't see them ever going to SS. I'm sure the .5 is better and likely I'll jump over it to the .8 when and if I decide to make the move. The DNA amps in my opinion were a breakthrough amp when they came out and a lot of designers started looking at their designs and changing things after these amps first came out. Worked for a shop that sold plenty so I know them. I personally wouldn't trade out my Pass for one; just not in the same league.  I never felt the McCormack gear was bright though, but maybe not as full and refined as others... they never would fool anyone they're tubes either, but very good value. What are you using for a power cord and speaker cables? Might want to look at your cables.