Recommendation for inexpensive integrated

I'm trying to help out a friend who is finally willing to put a toe into the audiophile world. He picked up a pair of NHT SB3s on sale at Audio Advisor on my recommendation. Now he needs a new integrated amp or receiver, but doesn't want to spend a bunch. I was thinking of the Cambridge Audio Azur 640, but I see that Sam Tellig gave it a mixed review in Stereophile. Do others like that amp? Any other recommendations in the $500 or below price category? (I own a Creek 5350SE myself, but that's too expensive for my friend.) Note that the NHTs are not very efficient so some wattage is needed.
Thanks a lot!
I've never heard tubes. . . I don't think. Could you describe the difference briefly?

Also, is it necessary to mod the 1501 to make it sound good (I read that somewhere)?

My comments will be VERY general in nature. Also, I have not used tube equipment for a good while and I may not be entirely up to speed on SOTA tube equipment. With that said ... tube equipment can provide a greater degree of lushness, warmth, and liquidity to the overall sound than solid state equipment can. Solid state amps have their advantages ... they are typically more detailed sounding with less total harmonic distortion (.08% THD is common for solid state as opposed to 1% THD for tubes)and they run much cooler. Tube advocates will claim that the higher THD is of a pleasing nature and does not distract from the sound. And just as solid staters are modding their equipment, tubers are rolling/rotating tubes and debating the virtues of new old tubes (NOS) versus new tubes.

Tube equipment is typically way more expensive (hand wiring, etc.) than its solid state counterpart ... which is one of the reasons why the Jolida is so attractive ... an entry level way to enjoy tubes.

Hope this helps.

Regards, Rich
I owned the Nad C370 amp and I have recently upgraded to the Manly Stingray. I am now rolling NOS tubes as Rarl mentioned (good post Rarl).
The Nad has power but lacks the sophistication that drives most audiophiles to keep up the search. Also it struck me as a rather dry sounding amp. Ultimately, you just have to jump in and try tube vs SS to see for yourself. Talk will only take you so far (but informative).
I am much happier with the Stingray here. As an audiophile, I would encourage you to try tubes at some level if for nothing else the experience and education. Then you will have a truly informed decision (priceless).
Howdy. I just came from Spearitsound in Boston to demo an integrated for my 11 year old son for the holidays. I listened to the NAD320BEE, Rotel 02 and Cambridge Audio 540. To my ears the Cambridge was the best of the 3. The Rotel was the clear looser in this group while the NAD came in second. The CA amp was pretty good, smoother, more detailed and delicate, a little airy too. Not bad for around $300 bucks. I paired it w/ the 540 CDP, T500 tuner (older model) and B&W 303's. A nice little holiday gift to start off a young audiophile who's on his way up!