Recommendations for a sub $600 power strip?

Hi there I'm in the market for a Power Strip. I have a budget of about $600 but may go over. I would like recommendations from the family for a 6 way strip. This is just for the stip itself, I shall add my own cable of course. What say you?

Thanks so much everyone! :)
I have had fine sonics using the very top of the line version of Mapleshade Records Power Strip. $340, and a 30 day money back guarantee seems a good bet for your home trial.
Due to the somewhat aggressive nature of the Mapleshade website self-advertising, some are inclined to discount the possibility that this is as good as it really is.
But, this has proved to be a real positive surprise, without breaking the bank, even at full retail.
Just overlook the strangely flimsy DIY appearance which disguises a very well implemented audio solution.
Yet another choice: The PS Audio Juice Bar offers a very nice 6 way power strip: no filters or regulation of any kind. I have been pleased with it's performance in my family room system. Not so sure I would want to use any power strip in my high resolution system though.

I do use an Audio Magic Stealth in my main system. Agree with Richards that the Stealth is worth a listen if you've got the $$$.
Can anybody tell me what the difference between the Juice Bar and Q-bar is? They look identical to me except that sideways bit on the recepitcals.
the wiremold is pretty good at under $400.00
Maybe also a Vans Evers Super Companion power strip. I have one, no complaints. I think they still make them.