Recommendations for close miked classical recordin

Anyone have any recommendations for excellent sounding close-miked classical recordings? Perhaps I spent too much of my formative years listening to rock and jazz, but what I'm looking for are orchestral works recorded as if one were sitting right in the middle of the orchestra alongside the musicians. So many classical cds I hear sound dull and lifeless, like you're sitting half way back in an empty auditorium. I want it to sound like the conductor is standing right between my speakers! (Of course the performance has to be top-notch too, or else it's a pointless exercise.) I'd appreciate any pointers anyone can provide.
Verdi's 'Il Trovatore', with Bocelli on the Decca label.
There is one on Ebay for $6.69 'New', buy it now Inc s/h. Bargain.
Ps-I am not affiliated to the seller.
I absolutely favor what Chashmal says about selecting the best performances, although I am sure he would concur that it's not always possible, the best equipment notwithstanding, to "bring" those interpretations to a level of sound reproduction that our ears or tonal tastes would be willing live with. In more than a few instances, I have sold classical collectors' items that have excelled soundwise but not given me the kind of interpretive fulfillment I have longed for. Fortunately, I've encountered relatively fewer instances when I could not live with the sound of a recording(bright,sharp,peaky or muddy)despite its possessing the kind of performance I truly liked.
The better ones speakers are etc the more one can (as been said)concentrate on the quality of the performers' rather than the alleged high quality of a cd.
Good loudspeakers should make good sounds out of ALL mediocre recordings and orgasmic soundings out of true high quality
recordings.I got to admit I pick a chosen performer/s first rather than the cd.
If you are talking CD, try the Nimbus English String/William Boughton CDs. The Benjamin Britten one is particularly excellent.The Ralph Vaughn Williams is also excellent.
These recordings where all done in a long narrow and somewhat reverberant room. The micing is fairly close, but because of the room the sound has great ambiance and decay.They are also great pieces played well.
