Recommendations for SET & Horns setup...

Source: ModWright tube-modded Oppo
Amp: Art Audio PX-25 (2ch, single-ended) with built-in Stepped-Attenuator
Speakers: Lamhorn 1.8 w/AER MD3B drivers
(currently using a 3m-run of A23 cable)

I tried "Auditorium 23" (A23) interconnects, and like them, but would like to consider other choices.

What kind of information are you seeking? For instance sonic quality IOW tone of the IC, or is it a technical question re appropriate match electrically?
I'm not looking for any specific signature, but rather for 'no signature' at all. That is, ideally interconnects should be neutral & transparent: not adding or taking away from the signal... Unless, of course, the intent is to compensate for some deficiency in the system.

So, the question is: What interconnects would you recommend I try, that would hopefully be neutral & transparent on a system as I described?

BTW, sorry if it wasn't clear: I'm looking for advise on cables to connect the CD player to the amp (the amp has built-in volume control).
