Record Cleaning Machine

Would like recomendations on machines.
Another vote for the Loricraft RCM's. As Doug said perviously, this is one piece that I will never sell.
I use an Audio Advisor Record Doctor for cleaning my LPs - usually 40-50 per month. It is as noisy as a VPI. My solution for the noise - ear protectors. El cheapo ear plugs for 25 cents a pair will work fine. If you find ear plugs uncomfortable, as I do, go to your local sporting goods store and buy some shooting earmuffs - $19.95. If plugs or muffs can protect your hearing from gunshots, it will certainly protect your ears from your RCM.

Take your choice: Keith Monks/Loricraft OR $200 RCM plus ear protection plus 100s to 1,000s of LPs.
I want to thank all of you for your responses. They will be a great help to me. I am leaning toward the Loricraft, but not untill I have saved the money.
It is well worth the wait to get a Loricraft and you will always be glad you bought one. The Loricraft has been easily one of the best audio purchases I have made.