Record weights 'n clamps: Audible improvements ?

I am hearing a significant sound improvement using the TTClassic Record Weight and Level Combo.

Anyone else think those make a difference ?
I think upgrading to the screw-down clamp on my Gyro made a difference.

Unfortunately, I don't think the suspension of the Gyro can handle a periphery ring with enough weight to actually flatten out, say, dishwarped records. Maybe the really thin RCA Dynaflops? Anyway, never seemed like it would be worth the expense for the few Lps that are a problem.
I agree that using a clamp can be very beneficial.

My Basis table and clamp are made for each other, and they work great. And I rarely, (twice, maybe, in 8 years), have had a record warped so much that it affected playback.

The only drawback to the Basis clamps is that they are so $%#^$% expensive. (I think they are running $300 now, (if bought separately from the table.) Ouch! (I know they are very well made, but still, $300?)

My two cents worth.
On my SME 10 the clamp/weight has definitely made a difference and for the better
Not always. Most Galibier owners have found any weight smears the presentation with the new graphite platter surfaces. So, YMMV.