Reference 3A line updated

For those of you who follow Reference 3A, it seems that their entire line has been updated with:
A new, high tech, sound-absorbing finish called "Nextel."
A new, beryllium dome tweeter on all models, including the entry-level Dulcet.
Two new models, one called the Nefes, and a huge, 7-driver model called the Sena.
Hoping somebody out there going to Vega for THE Show next week can check out their room and report back.
The Ref 3A web site has had a nice redesign, too.
I purchased a pair of the latest back in August after a 3 week audition and have commented on other threads of my early impressions. Actually the finish is very neutral and doesn't bring attention to itself. What is more interesting is that there isn't more emphasis on what really sticks out like a sore thumb, the white acoustic lens, why not grey or black so it is less noticable?

In any case these speakers have set a benchmark for me in what one can expect from a monitor speaker at their price and way above. I listen to all genres of music. The gestalt of an orchestra, the intimacy of a solo singer, the joy of a solo piano performance, try Murray Perahia's "The Aldenburgh Recital" List Hungarian Rhaposodie #12. These speakers are just so convincingly musical, dynamic, resolving and just "right" sounding. Don't be put off by the "ugly" unless beautiful wood veeners are your Raison d'ĂȘtre for ownership, they're much deeper than their looks. I haven't heard any of the previous models. Maybe Tash might consider some color other than white for the acoustic lens?
tubegroover, I bought a pair of deCapo Be's a few months ago to use in a bedroom system. I'm very slowly putting the pieces together for that system, but in the interim, they occasionally get rotated in to my living room system. My experience is substantially consistent with yours. They are just amazing monitors. Not the most neutral speakers I have ever heard, but they do so much right! Really remarkable.
Enjoy Brownsfan! They certainly have been a most enjoyable discovery to me. I am using them in my one and only system in a 18X20X10' room open to a 8X12X10' space. The real joy with these speakers Brownsfan is that they can be played at low volume and retain everything on the recording. In addition they can play really large with lifelike images and soundstaging on some recordings that defy explanation, wall to wall yet can focus like a laser on placement of instruments and individual vocalists in a large ensemble, much like I hear live. I suppose what I really enjoy most and what I immediately liked on first listen is that while not completely neutral they present a compelling natural tonality and capture the most subtle inflections of vocalists and musicians. Bottom line is that I am rediscovering all my music with a greater focus on performance over sound which is a big deal to me.
Hello Tubegroover, I hope all is well with you. As far as the acoustic lens Tash told me you can request it in black instead of white, which I agree would look much better.