rega new tables p5 p7

Came across these yesterday. Had not heard about them through any ces reports. Different plinth designs and new power supplys. Also the p7 gets a ceramic platter. Anybody seen one or heard them?
Wait until you here the new Rega with the new upgrade power supply. This one will make your records spin even faster. What about listening to your vinyl at 35rpm....
I actually love the look of my P25, clean and elegant, but the speed issue is driving me insane. I know there are fixes supposedly, but it makes me mad that I would have to spend the money for a "fix." Anyone have luck with any of the speed fixes or after market speed controllers?
Yes Troutki there are 2 fixes that you can try and cost virtually nothing.To make a Rega run at 331/3 rpm if it is typically running 2% fast, you have to widen the sub-platter that the platter sits on.What I do is wrap 2 spliced(not wound)lengths of standard electrical tape around the edge of the sub-platter,trim it so all edges are neat,replace the belt and I am on speed.You might have to vary the number of splices for your own table but I think this is excellent, and I think the extra damping would help.Test revolutions with a strobe or stopwatch of course.The other tweak is a plain rubber band around the Rega sub-platter edge,look for one that looks like a reasonable fit and try different combinations until you get it on speed.Hope this helps.

I'm the owner of a P25 turntable. You can read my review on My name is Gino Lavoie and I'm living in Montreal. I resolved the problem about the speed with some electrical black tape 2 or 3 years ago. It works!
you will probably get a better result using
very thin aluminum tape...thickness is very
fine...similar to electical tape, and has an
adhesive backing...have fun