Rega tonearm for Microseiki table?

Hi All,

My Rega table is dying and I have a still beautiful Micro Seiki ML-18, bought in about 1980. Could I swap my 250 tonearm onto my Micro table?

any help will be appreciated.

Ag insider logo xs@2xrustler
Double check the model of your Micro Seiki. I can't find any reference to an ML-18. Vinyl Engine usually has the spec sheet. I need to know the effective length of the stock tonearm.

Some Micro arms are interchangeable with RB250 and RB300. Check out my system and you'll see that I swapped an MA-707 for an RB300.
Thanks! The table is now packed away in the attic. I think it's an MLB-18 (B for Belt-driven, I suppose). I'll check that site and get back.

The model is MB-18.
Tonearm: low static mass straight
214 mm long
overhang 15mm

Any help???

Thanks again.


The question is whether your RB250 will fit in the mounting hole and meet Rega's geometry. The RB250 is 239.5 mm long. Your current arm is 214 mm. That's a difference of 25.5 mm (or 1 full inch). The more important measurement is the distance from the arm pivot to the spindle. The RB250 needs 222 mm. You'll have to use a tape measure and see if you can get close to that number. The tonearm mounting hole on your MB-18 may be larger than the threaded bottom of the RB250. This is what I found in my DQX-500 and it gave me wiggle room to position the arm correctly. A Michell VTA sleeve allowed me to mount the arm in a hole that was too big. It also provides VTA adjustment. You can get these on ebay.

Jeff Spall offers more detailed measurements for RB250/300 arms:

Arm pivot to turntable spindle centre: 222.2 mm
Arm pivot to stylus (effective length): 239.5 mm
Stylus overhang (amount the stylus overhangs beyond the spindle centre): 17.3 mm

I hope this helps.