REL Subwoofer Cable Upgrade?

I've read in various forums that upgrading the cable that runs from amp to REL subwoofer can make a substantial sonic difference. These discussion all reference cables in the $700 to $800 range.

I have to believe that one can achieve a substantial portion of this improvement for $100 or $200? Do any of you have experience with this and some recommendations?

Thank you.
"The Cable Company" has a superb(I own it)XLO cable,made for REL subs.It cost me 196 bucks,and outperformed the stock unit considerably.
The REL presents a very high impedance load on the driving amp. Basically, it uses the amp as voltage souce, with the cable carrying virtually no current. Also, you won't be hearing anything in the signal above about 80Hz. Ordinary telephone wire would work perfectly well for this application. Upgrading the stock cable between amp and a REL sub is a TOTAL waste of money. Rather spend your money on music!
I bought an aftermarket cable for my Storm III from Mark Zikhmark here on the Gon and I thought it made a slight difference in bass definition, although I only ran the sub up to 32Hz with my Wilson speakers. I agree with the others that buying a $800 cable for a subwoofer is probably overkill.
Hey Art Thanks for asking that question. Its one I had for awhile. I have a Rel B3 and found cutting the stock cord to the same length of my speaker cables (10ft) made a tremendous difference. I still use the stock cable but after upgrading IC's and PC's I found that they change the sound (so far all for the better) so I would think a cable in the $1-200 range would help. As far as a $700-up would be better but not by as much of the $$ spent. If possible try to get someone to demo a cable for you. Also remember rule #1 let your EARS be the judge and jury not reviews or specs (everyone has different expectations although some are better than others).
Signal cable makes one and I have this one. It's definitely a step up, but I have not heard the Synergistic Research cable or any others.

I believe it cost just over $200 for a 12' cable.