Reliability of tubes/ Belles 150A vs Jolida 801A?

I'm nearly at the end of my upgrade quest. I'd pretty much decided to buy a Belles 150A Hotrod and Soloist preamp but my dealer is now suggesting I consider the Jolida 801A integrated instead to mate with Opera Consonance 120 linear cd player and Silverline 17.5 monitors.I've owned numerous tube guitar amps in the past and while I loved the sound, I haven't loved dragging them into the shop at regular intervals for maintainence. Are tubed audio amps pretty much trouble-free or do they share guitar amps high-maintanence needs? Thanks!
There's nothing high maintenance about a tube amp other than replacing (and occasionally testing) tubes.

A self biasing tube amp is the easiest, but even a tube amp that requires biasing is easy.

It certainly doesn't require the end-user to take the amp to a technician for any reason. However, if the idea of changing or testing tubes seems like something you'd rather have a technician do for you, then perhaps a tube amp is not appropriate.

We all have our comfort levels.
I just sold my Belles 150A HotRod and REALLY miss it! It just wouldn't drive my Martin Logan CLSIIAs. It's a WONDERFUL sounding amp! One of the best that I have ever tried and that list is VERY LONG.
Thanks for your helpful responses, Tvad and Mofimadness. If the maintanence is not an issue with tubes, I might as well go ahead and listen to both units and see how my ears respond.