Replacement tubes for 5687

Any recommendations for this tube? I'm using it in the ModWright preamp.
No tubes will have the same effect in every system.

You MUST buy a few different pairs and experiment on your own.

Select a few based an an overall sound you wish to achieve and dive in!
Thanks to Irish65, I'm extremely happy with the Amperex 7119 so far, its a huge upgrade from the stock Philips. The body of the mids are very natural, while the rest of the spectrum has no negative drawbacks.

I'll be getting a couple of other tubes shortly and report on those.
Today I received and tried out Raytheons and Sylvannia GB 5687 and was terribly disappointed.

The Raytheons sounded worst than the stock Philips JAN5687, too mushy and one side was particularly microphonic.

Sylvannia had air around the instruments, but everything appeared to shrink in size compared to the Amperex 7119s.

Note that my basis for comparison is:
>Benchmark DAC1 XLR outputs straight into the Sanders
>Benchmark DAC1 RCA output via SWLP9.0SE into Sanders
i.e. one completely by-passes the preamp which some consider to be more transparent, compared to with the ModWright in the chain. Cables were the same brand pure silver Slinkylinks so that should not be a factor.

The Amperex are more quiet in the background, have more body (presence) and throw and much bigger soundstage than all tubes. In comparison to without the preamp in the chain, the Amperex fitted SWLP had more body and imparted a bigger soundstage, without removing any of the detail present when going direct.

Caveat: this is my personal opinion on what I heard with the tubes I had. It could be that the samples of Raytheons/Sylvannias were lemons, nevertheless, they were not as neutral and extended as the Amperex, IMO, YMMV, yada, yada, yada.
Here's an update on the Amperex 7119s: this may not be news to some of you, but they are microphonic, so be careful when using them.

I found that whenever I turned up the volume, floor shaking type bass, the tubes turned microphonic and produced a loud "angry" hum.

I sought ways and means to get ride of the vibrations and my final solution was:

1) Feet of silence footers - on the chasis and one below the input selector
2) Removed the screws on the top cover and placed special composite/polyurethane pieces at strategic locations along the edge to separate the cover from the main chasis
3) One Unicone (sand-filled wooden cone) inside the preamp with a rubber piece just touching the circuit board holding the 7119

These turned out to work very well. I experienced enhanced resolution of low level detail and images have an uncanny stability when you turn up the volume. You will know what I mean when you hear really good systems which are unwavering when playing very dynamic music.