Request advice-need "brighter" speakers than Totem Hawks

Hi All-
Love the community here; first time poster.
My gear:
i have a pair of Totem Hawks, driven by Sim Audio W-5 amp and P-5 pre. I listen primarily to Redbook CDs via a Marantz SA8005. Cables are all Audience AU24SE. I listen both through a modded Eastern Electric DAC (op amp upgraded, tube removed) and direct from CDP to preamp (teensy sound difference between DAC/no DAC, if any). My medium sized room is pretty dead sonically (carpet, textile window coverings).

My Issue:
The high frequencies are uncrisp, rolled off severely, muted, and just lacking generally, especially on contemporary works (jazz, rock). I don’t hear cymbals, hi-hats, or rich, crisp snare drums (yeah, I’m a drummer). Listening to my favorite disks is a deeply disappointing experience, Though classical sounds ok to fine. I am thinking that I need brighter speakers than the Hawks (though there are numerous folks who extoll Sim Audio plus Totem speakers, something is not right. I do have a bit of hi-freq. hearing loss from playing percussion for over 40 years (amateur), but I’ve heard a number of less expensive systems that sound better to me. My first thought is to go for a used pair of B&Ws (CM5s?) or Vandersteens (assuming good WAF on the latter) to swap out for the Hawks. I’m on a budget, but am not above selling some of the current gear to pay for the right equipment.

I would love love to hear some suggestions or alternate diagnoses/ideas. I am not limiting myself to speakers; I’ve tried a bunch of different cables to no good effect. Analysis Plus silver cables, for example, were a disaster with this gear, for example, FYI. Thanks in advance for any sage thoughts you choose to offer. -Bruce

A quick Thanks for the continuing advising. I am planning to implement the next measures sometime this week. Since I'm a public school teacher, work beckons heavily this week as my semester winds down. Thanks again to All, and I will post replies to various advice this week, too. 

Hoping to work through at least several more of the action items soon. 
I'm not familiar with your amp or speakers but curiosity led me to a review of the W-5 in which they note a slight roll off of higher treble - wondering if gradual hearing loss, maybe older caps, etc., all conspiring together? Thinking amp could just need a little tuning with caps.

I was trying to figure out were my highend went ...with new speakers and decent other components...

I just got done doing some room treatments...1st reflection,rear cornerbass traps...bada boom...highend/texture +,nice soundstage/detail,no exaggerated bass,boom...wasnt the gear...

Treat room then play

Having enjoyed the Hawks myself I had more issues with the bass reproduction than I did the high end - though I hasten to add that I still think they were remarkably good overall. 

Perhaps unfairly I was comparing them to my Thiel CS3.5's which, to my ear and budget, are easily the best speakers overall.  The Hawks are about $3200 retail now,  used Thiels about 1/3 of that and worth much more. If you can find a pair locally I'd scarf them up. They excel in the mids and highs and leave nothing wanting in the bsss. They have become my reference speakers. 

You certainly have enough current to consider many brands. Used Thiels are a true audio bargain. 
I've owned all the gear you have owned including the cables.  The Marantz is warm component.  I don't like the sound you are after but try another source.  Ayre might work well or Simaudio, Luxman would be warmer but more accurate than Marantz.